These are the members of the Midnight Men, our supers group. The team would best fit into the Golden age of comics (1938-56). The characters are pretty tough by Icons standards.
Dr. Midnight (Dr. Daniel Faust) is a gadgets guy and when needed can pull a kitchen sink from his utility belt. He usually uses power gloves to beat punks down into pulp. He's smart and has all around solid physical stats. His tech skillz are leet and is generally the groups leader and communicator. Dr. M's base, SW of Hubertville, serves as the teams headquarters and is where he builds his equipment and gadgets to protect not just Stark City, but the world over. His Qualities are: Obsessive, Up to the Challenge and Don't Worry, This'll Work.

Next is GateKeeper. He's a magic guy that has a demon in him who's power he harnesses. One day we suspect he will go all "Dark Phoenix" on us. His on-hand spells are magic blast, illusions, force shield and teleport. He has a high awareness and mental resistance. In addition to having a bizarre sense of style, GateKeeper has a lot of utility with spells that take more time to prepare. His base is an old mansion that needs a good carpenter and is located on Angel Point.
He has an Occult Speciality (skill) of 3 which allows him to perform stunts and rituals. His qualities are: Master of Deception, The Demon Seal and Know the Unknowable.
Origin: Last in long line of Aetherian sorcerer heroes, GateKeeper uses his mastery of the magic arts to protect the world from dangers both natural and supernatural. As a bearer of the Demon Seal, he also keeps the elder demon Azmathaen, imprisoned safely away within his soul, offering him an additional source of power in his war against darkness.
Such power comes with a price, however, and GateKeeper must remain ever vigilant to prevent the escape of the demon and his vile influence onto the world.
Next is Masked Justice. His jet pack (oddly missing from this picture) sends him hurtling through the sky at the speed of sound while protected by a specially designed suit. His knuckle dusters send teeth flying and he packs a high powered heater for those who the scales of justice have weighed and found wanting. His favourite attack is ramming into scum at high speeds like a human bullet. He's very quick and has an extensive military and law background. His base is an abandoned and secret underground subway station in the heart of Silver City. Qualities include:
Justice Will Be Served,
Determined and
No Quit in Me!
Origin: Masked Justice (aka Turk Broda) is a former lawyer who could not overcome the corruption in the legal system. The bad guys had the money and resources to manipulate the courts, pay off judges, and intimidate the juries.
He became resolved that the only way to give the innocent true justice was to take matters into his own hands - or fists!
He then used his intellect and past military experience to secretly train and become a weapon for justice.

And last is Black Bolt. He's super strong with electrical powers and his golem body makes it near impossible to kill him. BB lives in an old mausoleum/ crypt located in Cloudview Cemetery. He considers his fists his most persuasive form of diplomacy. Black Bolt possesses the strictest code of ethics of the group, and will not retaliate if shot at by police or attacked by others who he regards as innocents. But, if they have chosen a path of evil for themselves, then God help them. Qualities include: Man Or Monster?, Rage In My Heart, Sworn To Protect and Lighting Born.
Origin: Rain poured down that dark and stormy night and up in the castle's highest tower, when lightning struck the conductor and surged into the golem's body... Black Bolt was born!
He was created by an unknown villainous mastermind who used selected human body parts to make a monstrous servitor of destruction. Even though Black Bolt's visage is that of a hideous monster he somehow managed to maintain his humanity through his creation.
In a rage, Black Bolt broke his bonds and escaped into the night. He now tries to punish evil even though his appearance causes terror in those he has sworn to protect.