Friday, 24 June 2022

Icons: Issue #1 - The Midnight Men...It's Clobberin' Time!

We've been playing Icons for the past while. It's a superhero role playing game by Steve Kenson. Looks simple and straight forward but under the hood it can get more complex. One feature of the game is to try "Maneuvers," that involve describing what you'd like to do and how it will effect things. An example is using your combat ability to throw a villain off balance to help give your team a bonus to hit. There can be quite a bit of abstract gaming involved, like using Qualities and Determination which can slow down play a bit to figure out, or it can just be "roll to hit." 

Fights can end be pretty quick in terms of rounds or pages if slams and stuns are rolled. You can also try to find weaknesses to use against villains, or vice versa, by discovering Qualities. This also helps in giving the game that comic book feel. 

We've all been putting an effort into making comic covers for these games and this is one of the primary reason I wanted to blog. We all take part in their creation. Chris, who does the pencils & ink, is not a professional artist, but we love his work and the effort he puts into it. We've been playing for a while so lots of covers to come. 

So here we go - issue #1 of The Midnight Men!

Pencil and ink by Chris

Top left to right is GateKeeper, Black Bolt, Masked Justice and Dr. Midnight on the bottom.

In our first issue we were searching for missing children which led us to abandoned warehouses in Geartown where we found a villain called .50 -.50 and some of his cronies. 

Here's what .50 -.50 looked like before the fight.

Then after.

No kids were found but clues led us to the Wellington area of Stark City next.

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