Thursday, 4 April 2024

Alien RPG: Chariot of the Gods Part II & III

Issue # 2 of Chariot of the Gods
Art by Chris

Issue # 3 of Chariot of the Gods
Art by Chris

Overall, we had a lot of fun playing Chariot of the Gods (the first session was covered here). There was only one player death, which was surprising, but mostly due to unlucky dice roles on my part - the neomorph hisses at you...

I rolled randomly to see who changed into abominations, so in Act II many N.P.C.'s were mutated. 

One player was using Captain Miller, whose motive was money; another was Cham, which everyone knew was really Lucas the Android from Act I, but its agenda was still secret - stop all xenomorph information from getting into Weylan-Yutani's hands; the player using Wilson was trying to make a deal with Clayton, but Clayton ended up getting eviscerated by the neomorph; lastly, someone played the pilot, Davis, who was trying to calm her nerves with drugs.

In Act III, the players were low on weapons so they set the USCSS Cronus to self-destruct to avoid a fight with the neomorph that was still running around killing everyone. As the players were trying to escape, the neomorph emerged and attacked them but they managed to kill it, luckily. Too late to reverse the self-destruct, the players, along with the N.P.C. Dr. Flynn (who was near mental collapse from panic), gathered in Clayton's corporate suite. There they discovered the EEV (Emergency Escape Vehicle) but quickly realized it only takes three. Lots of arguments followed; mostly from fear and paranoia about which players were secretly out to kill the rest.

They finally came to a decision about who to leave behind and pushed the N.P.C. Dr. Flynn out of the EEV and locked the door, leaving him stranded on the Cronus with a one minute count down before it went KA-BOOM!  Pretty cold move by the players, but space is very cold.

I made one last random roll to see which of the survivors was going to transform into an abomination, as they had all been infected by the motes. Cham, who was the android Lucas, was not subject to the infection so it was a D4 roll between Miller, Wilson, Davis and Dr. Flynn.

The roulette wheel spun and Dr. Flynn's number came up. 

As Flynn was pounding on the EEV door, begging for the players not to leave him to his death, his head started to pulsate, his skin began to boil and his eyes went black as starless space. His pleas of desperation changed to those of a crazed mad man, then he repeatedly smashed his fists, head and body against the EEV door.

Art by Chris

The players quickly undocked from the Cronus and sped away with only seconds to spare before it exploded, rocking the EEV and all those within from its destruction.

Cham was swiftly shut down (so as not to kill the other players in hypersleep) then they all went night-night, bringing back with them all the information Weylan-Yutani could have hope for regarding motes, xenomorphs and the 26 Draconis Strain.

                                                              Next issue:

                     Destroyer of Worlds

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