Chaos Warrior |
Saturday, 31 December 2022
Sunday, 25 December 2022
A Midnight Men Christmas
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Black Bolt of The Midnight Men |
The sun begins to rise in Stark City this Christmas morning.
Black Bolt’s night was spent in the company of the city's criminals. They don’t sleep; better that than then solitude.
The night retreats, and now, so must the monster, lest his appearance cause terror in those he has sworn to protect. Back to his crypt. Out of sight, and alone.
He enters the cold, dark hall of his underground lair. Footsteps echo.
Then, Black Bolt stops. Lights can be seen up ahead in the darkness. Someone is here.
Black Bolt’s massive form begins to charge and ripple with electrical energy, bracing for an attack.
As he approaches he sees in the main hall, encircled by silent tombs, a tree with lights and below it, wrapped gifts.
Standing beside the tree are Dr. Midnight, GateKeeper and Masked Justice.
"Merry Christmas, Black Bolt!” they all shout.
The electricity surrounding Black Bolt gathers and forms a bright, flickering star in the sky above the crypt.
Hearts are warmed this Christmas morning in Stark City. Even those of monsters.
Tuesday, 13 December 2022
D&D 5E - Cursed Mines of Phandelver: Session 1
*This adventure is based off of The Lost Mines of Phandelver but has been modded in many places by our DM (thus the title change). It may contain spoilers*
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City of Neverwinter |
Our campaign starts with the players patrolling just west of Neverwinter for Eldritch Cult activity. As they patrol, Kaalut is once again going on about how, when the stars are right, great Cthulhu will rise from the depths, sending our world spiralling into a new age of darkness and glory. Sabrathan and Graylon having heard this more times than they can count, just look at each other and roll their eyes. As they continue down the road, they see in the distance a merchant wagon being robbed by bandits.
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The woods west of Neverwinter |
Approaching unseen, they overhear the bandits demanding a scroll case from the three merchants.
Eager to test his long restrained warlock powers, Kuzulhu wastes no time and unleashes an Eldritch Blast, initiating the battle. With the whole group attacking by surprise the bandits are quickly slaughtered. The aftermath is not pretty; there are scattered goblin body parts on the ground and some hanging from the trees. The merchants, faces having been sprayed with blood from the death frenzy, are shocked by what they've just seen. Graylon, wiping brain matter off his great helm, approaches the merchants and apologizes for the brutality of the attack.
Graylon: Really sorry. We get carried away sometimes...
The merchants are questioned about the scroll case, which upon closer inspection is marked with unusual magical symbols. However, the scroll that was inside the case is gone; recently sold to a dwarf named Gundren Rockseeker at a merchants' guild in Neverwinter. The merchants relay that the scroll was obtained as loot from guards who defeated some bandits or cultists.
The players head back to Neverwinter, where they learn that Gundren left the city the day before with a ranger called Sildar Hallwinter, for a town named Phandelver.
The group wastes no time and travels to Phandelver to locate Gundren and on their journey they are ambushed by goblins, who are defeated, but our heroes find evidence that the dwarf was taken to a nearby cave.
The next morning they approach the cave entrance which has a small stream running out from its mouth. Delving inside they encounterer some wolf hounds, goblins guards and narrowly survive a water trap. Navigating through many passages, they eventually make their way to a large cavern with a large bonfire and a massive bugbear standing beside it. Close to the bugbear is a large wolf hound and a few goblin guards.
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Klarg the Bugbear |
Sabrathan (in common): Who are you?
Klarg: Klarg the Mighty. Ruler of this cave. You scream when I kill you.
Graylon: Surrender now and you will die quickly!
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Graylon Winterwind, Human Paladin |
Klarg: Har! Har! Roast you over fire. Humans taste best!
Klarg beats his chest, snarls then charges Graylon while madly swinging his axe. Graylon blocks the blow with his shield but is sent backwards and to the ground. Klarg laughs as he moves in.
The goblins and wolf hound advance but are scattered like bowling pins by Eldritch Blasts and Fire Bolts from Kuzulhu and Sabrathan. The room strobes with green and orange light as the onslaught continues. Then suddenly from the ground emerges a 10-foot-long freezing tentacle that lashes out, chilling any goblin or wolf in reach.
Meanwhile, Klarg stands over top of Graylon, smiling. His huge, yellow fangs glisten in the firelight. The massive bugbear hefts his axe and brings it down with uncanny strength. The paladin just manages to block it with his shield but the brutal force from the bugbear leader, batters the paladin back down to the floor. Graylon suddenly rolls, getting behind Klarg and with one motion cuts deep into the bugbear's thigh. Klarg growls and curses in his native tongue then swings his axe and catches Graylon in the right arm. Graylon shouts in pain, almost dropping his sword.
Klarg: Weak. So weak, human!
Graylon quickly gets up, feigns a blow to Klarg's side then with blinding speed, slashes his long sword across the bugbears's throat. Klarg gurgles blood as he tries to laugh then staggers backward and falls. His giant form shakes the ground as it crashes next the fire pit.
All enemies now defeated, they search the room and find stolen goods marked with a lion-shield symbol, a chest containing an Eldritch Jade Idol (going to Kuzulhu) and a sword marked with the name Hallwinter (going to Graylon).
After a short rest, the players continued exploring the cave. Travelling as silently as possible, they hear what sounds like voices echoing down a passageway. As they approach they can make out one voice that sounds human and is pleading for his life. The laughter of humanoids soon follows.
Graylon, Sabrathan and Kuzulhu all step out into a large, dimly lit cavern. Before them they see a four goblin guards, one goblin leader and near him on the floor, a battered human male. When the player's enter the room the goblin leader grabs the hostage and calls out in common:
Yeemik: Stay back you thieving scum or I cut his throat!
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Yeemik the goblin leader and Sildar Hallwinter (captive) |
Then, using his Telepathic Feat, Kuzulhu communicates with Yeemik: (using Deception) I am with these two fools against my will - taken captive. Look at my mask. I am a Warlock of Great Cthulhu! I will join your group and we will kill these two. Trust me, and the Idol and all of their riches will be yours!
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Kaalut Kuzulhu, Human Warlock |
Yeemik: Hah! Hmmm...I trade but first you must kill Klarg! Then we make deal.
Kuzulhu: (Telepathy) You are very wise.
At that, Graylon runs out of the cavern and soon returns, holding up Klarg's head, displaying it for all to see.
Yeemik: Ha! Ha! Klarg not so strong. Even you beat him!
Kuzulhu: You see, we are trustworthy. Now, release the human and this priceless Jade Idol will be yours, proving to all who see you, that you are the Goblin King of this cave! (Telepathy) Be ready to attack!
Yeemik releases his hostage, Silvan, who then runs across the room and hides behind the player characters.
Yeemik: It is time. Gimme Idol!
Kuzulhu: (Telepathy) Here it comes...
Just then, Kuzulhu releases a torrent of eldritch energy that batters and burns the goblin leader. Yeemik cries out in pain.
Yeemik: Arrrghh! You traitorous pig dog! Kill them. Kill them all!!!
Fire Bolts from Sabrathan blast away as goblins are burned to cinders. Graylon then rushes into the room, hacking and slashing his way toward the goblin leader.
The goblin guards do some damage but not enough to slow down the PCs' relentless assault. Soon, the room is strewn with dead goblins and all that remains is their leader.
Yeemik: I'll kill you all myself!
Yeemik strikes with his axe hitting Graylon in the side and laughs but the paladin counters with a savage blow, his sword opening up the frenzied goblin's abdomen. Yeemik screams, then is suddenly blasted back with an Eldritch Bolt, sending him skidding across the stone floor. As Yeemik struggles to get up, Sabrathan utters a few arcane words and three glowing missiles speed across the room striking the goblin in the chest, creating a cannon-ball sized cavity.
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Sabrathan, Assimar Wizard |
With Yeemik dead, the players question the beaten, abused and soiled (and stanky) Sildar, finding out he is Gundren's friend. He says there was a map in the scroll case to the legendary Wave Echo Cave and the Lost Mine of Phandelver. Gundren wanted to locate the mine and the mythical Forge of Spells because an item of great power was once used there to create magical artifacts. The goblins and bugbears wanted the map and Gundren is now captive at their leader's place called Cragmaw Castle.
The players agree to escort Sildar to his home town of Phandalin. But, Graylon wanting to keep Sildar's sword, kills him and the party cannibalizes the body.
Just kidding!
Sildar got his sword back.
Tuesday, 6 December 2022
Salem's Lot - Hubie Marsten
I went up there once.
On a dare. You know how kids are.
I was sweating scared.
I sneaked around.
Got into the house.
What did you see?
Ghosts, everything.
Every sound, every shadow.
I'm not sure what I saw.
I think I saw Hubie Marsten...
...hanging by his neck.
His face green, his eyes puffed shut...
...his hands livid.
It was ghastly.
And then he opened his eyes
and he looked at me.
He looked at me...
...and I took off and I ran.
I ran as fast as I could.
I've never forgotten that.
Saturday, 3 December 2022
Thursday, 1 December 2022
Palladium Fantasy Role Playing 1e - Evil Campaign
I played PF 1e back in the day but never GM'd it. We game regularly now, and I wanted to have a pickup game ready in case one or two players were not able to attend the session and thought now would be a good time to try Palladium out. I encouraged everyone to make evil characters and see how it goes.
With the ability to parry and having classes like the Diabolist, for me, Palladium Fantasy has a bit more of a Conan feel to it than D&D, so I wanted to have the themes and plots be reminiscent of that kind of story.
Because there may only be two or three players sitting at the table in our sessions, stats are pretty high, as I wanted the characters to be tough.
Troll, Lev: 1, Mercenary Fighter, Aberrant
PS:23, PP: 16, PE: 21, PB:5
Origin Land: Baalor Wastelands, Cannibal
HtH: Mercenary, Battle Axe, Pole Arms, Short swords, Lg. Shields, (giant size weapons)
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Unknown artist who did the drawing and inking. |
Changeling, Lev: 1, Diabolist, Anarchist
IQ: 22, ME: 22, MA: 20
Origin Land: Western Empire
Personal Hostility: Wolfen
HtH: Non-Men of Arms, Blunt: Hercules Club
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Frazetta |
Drax the Death Dealer
Orc, Lev: 1, Agent (Priest) of Darkness, Aberrant
God: Modeus, Lord of Hades
MA:16, PS:18, PP: 17, PE:17
Land Origin: The Great Northern Wilderness, Cannibal
HtH: Soldier, Battle Axe, L.g. Shields, Horsemanship
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Frazetta |
The only session we've played so far starred Fleshfeast and Drax.
Our game takes place where the Northern Wilderness meets the Eastern Territory, with the Bruu-Ga-Belimar mountains being just south. I'm using Adventures in the Northern Wilderness and "Further" Adventures in the Northern Wilderness as guides.
We begin with Drax and Fleshfeast arriving in Golmira, a town full of beggars and pickpockets. It's not a pretty sight here, with all the poverty and filthy streets. Many inhabitants were displaced from the never ending border wars between humans and wolfen. Also, towns that refused to assimilate into the Wolfen Empire were left in ruins, sending the population fleeing for their lives.
Drax and Fleshfeast make their way to the Medusa's Head tavern. As tough as this tavern is, everyone averts their gaze when they see an 11.5 foot tall troll walking in. The players each grab a drink and rent two rooms; one in the back and one space in the stables.
After retiring, each PC is attacked by a mix of goblins, orcs and humans. The rogues quickly learn that it's a mistake to mess with a sleeping troll and are soon killed. Then, the PCs (player characters) hear a woman scream outside and move to investigate. In a nearby alleyway, a young, red-haired woman is being attacked by human thugs. Try as she does to fight back, she is no match for them. Drax and Fleshfeast arrive and make quick work of the villains, leaving one alive for questioning.
With some "proper motivation," the remaining thug discloses that he works for a man named Ramek. His job is to rob and kidnap visitors, bringing them to Ramek's base. Ramek either sells these captives into slavery or sells the meat to the starving population. The thug says Ramek has a Grimbor called Grong who guards him. These are the last words the thug utters.
They learn the woman, Zabrina, was kicked out of her home by her lover, who she believes was drugged and not in his right mind. She says Toto Ramek is responsible and wants her for himself and will do anything to have her. She has money hidden and will pay to have Ramek killed. She has been to Ramek's home estate and tells the players the location.
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Zabrina |
Wanting to introduce themselves to Ramek, Drax and Fleshfeast make their way to his base in the city's center, which has a wooden border wall around it. When they arrive, Drax charms his way into the base proper using a Charismatic Aura spell. The two then kill anyone who cross their path as they stealth their way in.
Play accompanying music while reading
With axes bloodied, Drax and Fleshfeast manage to get inside Toto Ramek's fort and make their way down a hallway. Standing in front of the double doors is the Grimbor, Grong and beside him, chained to the wall and laying unconscious, is a human female.
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Grong |
With weapon drawn, Grong can see these are invaders and shouts the only word in his vocabulary: Kill!
The Grimbor slashes with its massive, sharpened bone weapon, causing a deep gash into the troll's chest but, Fleshfeast strikes back and hacks its arm off while Drax chops into its back, severing its spine.
The two then kick open the double doors and see Toto Ramek behind a wood desk in a large, dimly lit room. Ramek is alone but is calling for guards. Drax casts Cloud of Smoke outside the doors exit making it difficult for the guards to find their way in.
Toto Ramek: Infidels! I've killed all manner of men, women and children! Now, I will kill you for daring to enter my home . You've earned my wrath!
Drax: Drax the Death Dealer is sending you to hell, DOG!
Ramek is tough, getting two attacks per round. He cuts deeply into both players and they are near death but Fleshfeast, towering above Ramek, lift his massive axe and brings it down hard, cutting through Ramek's armour and into his shoulder. Then Drax, with his soldier training and orc strength, savagely swings his axe, driving it deep into Ramek's neck and cutting his jugular. Blood sprays out across the room as Ramek flails around, eyes wide in disbelief at what just happened, then falls to the floor in a bloody heap.
The guards finally make it through the smoke, but take one look around and run off.
The two root through the place and grab a chest containing gold and potions and then set the dwelling ablaze.
Afterwards, they meet Zabrina, who is true to her word. But, more payment is demanded of her! Out of desperation, Zabrina brings forth a ring and begs for that to be enough. Drax and Fleshfeast take the ring and Zabrina leaves quickly.
The game ends with Drax and Fleshfeast a bit richer as they head further south towards the Bruu-Ga-Belimar mountains.
Dungeons & Dragons 5e! Characters
Graylon Winterwind
Human, Paladin of Devotion, Lawful Good
Str: 14, Con: 17, Cha: 19
Weapons: Long Sword, Javelins
Background: Position of privilege (dispossessed).
Believes everyone is equal regardless of birth. Smooth talker.
Believes he deserves respect because of his lineage, but all people deserve to be treated with dignity.
He loves someone in another noble family, but the family hates him.
Flaw: Tends to behave in a manner the nobility find shameful.
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All black and white character portraits are drawn by Chris |
Aasimar (protector), Abjuration Wizard, Chaotic Good
Int: 17, Wis: 15, Con:15
Abilities: Darkvision, Celestial Radiance, Healing Hands, Light Bearer
Weapons: Quarter Staff
Background: Shelter of the faithful
He seeks Omens in everything and finds common ground with everyone (good, evil, etc).
Faith- He trusts his deity to guide his actions.
He would die to retrieve a powerful relic for his faith.
Flaw: Has blind trust in people professing to be of his faith.
The Order
The Order is a quasi-religious organization responsible for the protection of civilized regions of Toril from magical and monstrous threats. The group functions through a series of branches located in different parts of the world, each led by a commanding officer and two division heads.
Oversight of the Order is provided by a council of high-level clerics from major good-aligned churches. This council only meets 4 times a year, however, leaving specific management of general operations to individual branch commanders.
The headquarters of the largest branch of the Order is found on an island off the Sword Coast (near the city of Neverwinter) and is under the command of Sir Godric Hightower, an influential and wealthy warrior priest.
There are two major divisions within the Order: research and martial.
The research division studies and identifies dangerous magical beings and occurrences, as well as devises means of neutralizing them. They are also highly interested in the acquisition and safekeeping of powerful magical artifacts. Notably, the Order possesses one of the largest known collections of magical objects, distributed across a network of highly guarded vaults.
The martial division of the Order is comprised of small teams of adventurers that directly deal with threats and acquire objects of interest. Each team is led by a ranking officer within the Order, while other members may be lower ranking Order soldiers or mercenaries.
Tuesday, 22 November 2022
Icons: Issue #7 - The Midnight Men... Wanted!
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Dr. Bob Hayler |
The anchor introduces Dr. Halyer and advises some audience members may find his points and arguments disturbing:
“My fellow Americans. The last twenty-eight years have seen the rebirth of a humanity declared by God, overseen by God, and blessed by God over the United States, and the world. Since the monster called Omega invaded and killed so many of our super-powered heretics, freeing the world of their corruption, we have lived in blessed unity.
But now, in Stark City, the evil has returned and they have taken the name 'The Midnight Men', and indeed ,their activities appear to be rooted in darkness. Their appearance has allowed and encouraged determined criminals, with similar abilities, to feel that they now have the right to use their powers to commit sins against God's people and take whatever they want, whenever they want it. We are witnessing a rising of the wicked! Their nature is disturbing; it is rumoured that one member, who is not a man but a monster , consumes the raw flesh of his victims. Another is aligned with Godless forces and summons up demonic spirits in order to subject his victims to unholy powers. Yet another dallies with technology and inventions that serve only his own gratification and desire for power in this world, rather than to serve God. One more is a disgraced member of law enforcement, and who now uses his skills and motivations to degrade the very profession he once stood for.
I encourage you all to come to my rally tomorrow night in Stark City, where we will praise God and shine His cleansing light on those that blaspheme His name. Thank you, good night, and I hope to see everyone tomorrow at our rally. God bless you all.”
With a chicken leg in his hand and a face full of grease, Masked Justice looks at everyone and says "That doesn't sound good."
The next morning, parents are at schools holding up signs reading : CHILDREN NEED NORMAL! and LOCKUP THE SUPERHEROES!
Each of the Midnight Men's Qualities are engaged, causing Trouble: Black Bolt (Q: Man or Monster?) is feared by the public and hunted by the police. Dr. M and GateKeeper (Q: Obsessive and Know the Unknowable, respectively) are too preoccupied doing research on Dr. Halyer and The Cleansing, to do damage control on public relations and Masked Justice (Q: Justice will be Served) questions his own vigilante methods.
At the rally, Dr. Halyer introduces his group of "Purifiers" to enact God's will and eliminate the Midnight Men. His natural charisma and words have a hypnotic quality that soon wins over the cheering crowd.
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Purifier |
Just then, the Midnight Men show up to the rally. But before they can introduce themselves to Dr. Halyer, his Purifiers ATTACK!
One Purifier flies at Masked Justice who takes off, initiating a high-speed chase. They speed towards a building and at the last second Masked Justice veers upward while the Purifier crashes through the concrete wall. The Purifier soon emerges, his powered armour cracked and smoking, but he is rammed by a sonic speeding Masked Justice, hammering him earthward and burying him deep into the ground.
The police see Black Bolt and immediately open fire while the crowd cheers "Kill the Monster!" Black Bolt staggers back from the onslaught of the entire police squad's gun fire, but does not fight back because the police are misguided in their actions, not evil, and Black Bolt's Quality: Sworn to Protect prevents him from hurting them. This goes on for two pages, which makes x2 Trouble for Black Bolt giving him 2 Determination points.
GateKeeper puts up his magical shield just in time to block a Purifier's energy blast. GateKeeper then weaves a dark incantation and the Purifier's mind is flooded with nightmare images pulled from the darkest corners of his mind. He screams then falls unconscious, his psyche unable to cope with the torrent of horror unleashed upon it.
Dr. Midnight squares off against two of the Purifiers. They move in on him but he flips over top and slaps power absorbers on their backs, draining their battery-powered suits. A few judo chops to the jaw and solar plexus with his power gloves and the Purifiers are french- kissing concrete.
His Purifiers defeated, Dr. Bob Halyer jumps in his Cadillac and floors it to get away, but it's difficult for him to to see where he's going with the area blanketed in smoke and dust from the battle that transpired. As he blindly speeds away, his car heads straight for a massive, deformed giant that crackles and sparks with electric energy. Suddenly, there's a huge impact to the car's hood as two mammoth fists smash down, causing it to somersault through the air and land on its roof with a crash. Desperate with fear, Dr. Bob tries to open his door but it's stuck from the impact. Then, through the smoke he sees a dark, hulking figure walking towards him. It gets closer and closer with each beat of Bob's panic stricken heart.
Black Bolt: I'm coming for you, Bob.
Dr. Hayler cries: No! No! Please...
Black Bolt: the Monster is coming to get you. To eat your flesh.
Suddenly, the car door is ripped off its hinges and Bob is pulled from the car and lifted up, bringing him face to face with the golems hideous visage. He screams in terror at the horrific sight.
Black Bolt: Remember this, Bob - The Monster wants to kill you, but the man is letting you live.
Black Bolt throws Dr. Halyer to the ground where he curls up into a ball, shaking and traumatized, then Black Bolt leaps away.
Dr. Midnight removes one of the Purifiers' helmets for further examination when the crowd turns on him, Gatekeeper and Masked Justice, calling for their arrest and even deaths, then erecting makeshift gallows. Realizing they are facing a crazed mob, GateKeeper creates a portal and they teleport away.
The Midnight Men are now public enemy #1 and wanted for arrest by the Stark City P.D. Placed all around the city and published on social media are wanted posters with headshots of the Midnight Men and underneath is marked "Extremely Dangerous."
Saturday, 19 November 2022
Icons: Issue #6 - The Midnight Men... Invasion!
Pencil and ink |
by Chris. |
We don't have a lot of info recorded for this issue. The Midnight Men went into outer space and force fed many five knuckle sandwiches in Zero-G.
Thursday, 3 November 2022
Monday, 10 October 2022
Alien RPG
I picked this up and I'm really looking forward to playing it. A nice alternative to Call of Cthulhu in terms of a horror RPG. The way it's written, edited and presented makes it very easy to comprehend. It isn't overburdened by fluff writing with rules buried somewhere in superfluous text. The dark artwork evokes the deathly stillness and emptiness of space. It's a very grim look at humanities future so there are many avenues for conflict besides just chest-busting aliens and face-hugging horrors.
Characters here don't have Divine Strike and Eldritch Blast to save them. In Alien RPG, the heroes are mere truckers and grunts with perhaps nothing but a bit of human compassion (or androids with altruistic programming) to separate them from sociopathic CEOs and remorseless creatures spawned in the freezing depths of infinite space.
Long term survival for players is not expected and that makes for exciting play and an interesting game.
Even though the lite rules are redundant, the Starter Set looks like a worthwhile buy. I'd get it for the scenario: "Chariots of the Gods", the big map, game markers, cards and dice. The other published adventures look good and I hope to pick them up as well.
We have a few other games going right now, so it may be a bit before we actually get to play Alien RPG, but it looks great. Really well done with no agendas derailing the theme. I've traded in or sold off some newer games I've bought in the past few years, but Alien RPG is a keeper.
Kaalut Kuzulhu is a Lev 4, chaotic evil variant human. He's a Fathomless Warlock, whose patron is Cthulhu. Kaalut Kuzulhu He’s...
Chris's art for our first game of Chariots of the Gods. So, a while back I bought the Alien RPG rule book . Later on I picked up the ...