Sunday 25 December 2022

A Midnight Men Christmas

Black Bolt of The Midnight Men


The sun begins to rise in Stark City this Christmas morning.

Black Bolt’s night was spent in the company of the city's criminals. They don’t sleep; better that than then solitude.

The night retreats, and now, so must the monster, lest his appearance cause terror in those he has sworn to protect. Back to his crypt. Out of sight, and alone.

He enters the cold, dark hall of his underground lair. Footsteps echo.

Then, Black Bolt stops. Lights can be seen up ahead in the darkness. Someone is here. 

Black Bolt’s massive form begins to charge and ripple with electrical energy, bracing for an attack. 

As he approaches he sees in the main hall, encircled by silent tombs, a tree with lights and below it, wrapped gifts. 

Standing beside the tree are Dr. Midnight, GateKeeper and Masked Justice.

"Merry Christmas, Black Bolt!”  they all shout.

The electricity surrounding Black Bolt gathers and forms a bright, flickering star in the sky above the crypt.

Hearts are warmed this Christmas morning in Stark City. Even those of monsters.


The Midnight Men!


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