Thursday, 1 December 2022

Dungeons & Dragons 5e! Characters


We've already played a few games and are having a lot of fun with it. As different as it is from our usual AD&D, I'm happy to be playing the current version of the game and giving it a try. This page will be updated as our characters gain experience.

The characters:

Graylon Winterwind 

 Human, Paladin of Devotion, Lawful Good

Str: 14, Con: 17, Cha: 19

Weapons: Long Sword, Javelins

Background: Position of privilege (dispossessed).

Believes everyone is equal regardless of birth. Smooth talker.

Believes he deserves respect because of his lineage, but all people deserve to be treated with dignity.

He loves someone in another noble family, but the family hates him.

Flaw: Tends to behave in a manner the nobility find shameful.

All black and white character portraits are drawn by Chris


Aasimar (protector), Abjuration Wizard, Chaotic Good 

Int: 17, Wis: 15, Con:15 

Abilities: Darkvision, Celestial Radiance, Healing Hands, Light Bearer

Weapons: Quarter Staff 

Background: Shelter of the faithful

He seeks Omens in everything and finds common ground with everyone (good, evil, etc). 

Faith- He trusts his deity to guide his actions.

He would die to retrieve a powerful relic for his faith.

Flaw: Has blind trust in people professing to be of his faith.

Kaalut Kuzulhu

 Variant Human Warlock, Chaotic Evil

Dex: 16, Wiz: 16, Cha: 19

Patron: The Fathomless, Cthulhu 

Feat: Telepathic

Weapons: Whip (DM approved. No simple missile weap. prof. )

Background: Sage, Researcher: Astronomy

Reads everything in world's greatest libraries. He connects everything to a grand cosmic plan.

Power. Knowledge is a path to power and domination.

His life's work is a series of tomes related to eldritch lore

Flaw: Unlocking an ancient mystery is worth the price of a civilization.

I know what you're thinking. How the heck are two good characters going to team with a CE, Cthulhu worshiping, humanoid sacrificing Warlock?

Here's the back story:

Kuzulhu was apprehended by the authorities before he could complete a ritual sacrifice. He was going to be sentenced to hard labour, but the Order (see below) recognized Kaalut's impressive understanding of Eldritch lore, and therefore had his initial sentence commuted into supervised work in the Order's research division.

For the past year, under the careful watch of Sabrathan the two have worked together doing research for the Order. Kuzulhu, being no fool, decided this was better than the alternative, so he's been behaving - when supervised - which is most of the time. Also, being given access to such an extensive library was hardly a punishment.

All this ended when complaints grew about Elditch cult activity around the city of Neverwinter and Sabrathan was made head of a temporary team to investigate. The team comprises of Kaalut Kuzulhu and a hired mercenary named Graylon Winterwind, tasked with keeping Sabrathan safe and Kaalut under control.

The Order 

The Order is a quasi-religious organization responsible for the protection of civilized regions of Toril from magical and monstrous threats. The group functions through a series of branches located in different parts of the world, each led by a commanding officer and two division heads. 

Oversight of the Order is provided by a council of high-level clerics from major good-aligned churches. This council only meets 4 times a year, however, leaving specific management of general operations to individual branch commanders. 

The headquarters of the largest branch of the Order is found on an island off the Sword Coast (near the city of Neverwinter) and is under the command of Sir Godric Hightower, an influential and wealthy warrior priest. 

There are two major divisions within the Order: research and martial.  

The research division studies and identifies dangerous magical beings and occurrences, as well as devises means of neutralizing them. They are also highly interested in the acquisition and safekeeping of powerful magical artifacts. Notably, the Order possesses one of the largest known collections of magical objects, distributed across a network of highly guarded vaults.  

The martial division of the Order is comprised of small teams of adventurers that directly deal with threats and acquire objects of interest. Each team is led by a ranking officer within the Order, while other members may be lower ranking Order soldiers or mercenaries. 

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